Mission Log #18


<Scott> >>AT ATTENTION<<
<Rogue> @@
<Sydney> @@
<Tabitha> @@
<Angel> @@
<Rusty> @@
<Jason> @@
<Alex> @@
SIM BRIEF> Two sims ago we picked up a stray mutant by the name of Rusty.. all was going alright until sentinels showed up and we needed to lay the smacketh down.. Last sim was a lighthearted romp at the mansion..
<Scott> any questions
<Scott> ?
<Angel> why is my finger feeling like it has a papercut and i just stuck it in a dish of salt?
<Rogue> did you get a papercut and then stick it in a dish of salt?
<Scott> Alex stop stabbing that warren voodoo doll
<Alex> ::looks at the voodoo doll in his hand:: ((That's odd.. I must've gotten one of Warren's hairs by mistake..))
<Rusty> ::looks around:: 
<Jason> What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
<Scott> anyways.. questions? especially from those who weren't here last week?
<Rusty> what was last week
* Kitty (~ashleyann@ Quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
<Scott> ::stares at Rusty::
<Scott> ((First sentinel I see gets to take them all out..))
<Scott> okay starting now
<Rusty> ::points at Rogue: you were there ::points at Jason:: and you were there
<Elizabeth> ::huge grin on her face.. she hears her name being brought up as she passes a group of people, looks at them out of the corner of her eye:: ((I still can't believe it))
<Elizabeth> ::slings her bag over her shoulder as she walks down to her hotel:: ((Father will be pleased when I tell him the good news... shame he couldn't be here to see it))
<Elizabeth> ::smile fades as she shivers and looks over her shoulder:: ((Must be nerves about tomorrow))
<Elizabeth> ::cannot shake this feeling... paranoidly looks around:: ... ::starts to pick up her pace towards the hotel::
<Elizabeth> ::closes the door behind her, sighs.. as she drops her bag on bed:: ((I should just get shower up and get some rest.. big day tomorrow..))
<Elizabeth> ::enters the bathroom, turns on the walks and walks back into the main room to get her shampoo and other toiletries out of one of her suitcases.. walks back into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.. sets up her stuff on the counter.. looks in the mirror, sees someone and quickly turns around into a defensive position::
TIME> 2 A.M.
<Rusty> ::sits on his bed, reading a book::
<Jason> :::Passed out in his bed, one arm and leg over the side, snoring loudly and drooling:::
<Tabitha> ::tosses around in her bed for a moment before deciding to kick off her blankets because she's too warm and tries to sleep again::
<Sydney> ::Sits in the living room, the light is on and she's wearing her clothes, looking like she's slept yet.::
<Warren> ::sitting on scott's bed, idly flipping through the latest gq and trying to ignore the sounds of puking coming from the bathroom:: You hang in there, champ. ::quietly:: The worst of it will be here tomorrow. 
<Scott> ::sits on the floor:: That's the LAST time I ever.. ::gags and moves over to the toilet, throws up::
<Rogue> ::lying in bed, curled up on her side, asleep... wet, muddy clothes are hanging over the window sill to dry::
<Scott> ::wipes his mouth with toilet paper and spits:: Listen to you.
<Tabitha> :;grumbles in frustration and grabs her pillow and throws her on the floor and then climbs down onto the floor to join her pillow and lies on the floor with her legs up on the bed:: 
<Jason> :::Rolls over, a goofy grin on his face, mumbles::: Oh yeah, just like that...
<Warren> Not my fault. I told you to sip it. 
<Alex> ::waves to a car as it drops him off down the block and starts to walk the other direction until the car's out of sight before heading back toward the mansion, pulling his coat around him, his pierced nipples becoming pirky from the cold::
<Rusty> ::finishes the book and lies back, staring up at the ceiling:: ((this place is starting to feel like a prison))
<Scott> ::mutters as he grabs his water bottle and takes a drink::
<Rogue> ::stirs, kicking at her blankets fitfully before stilling again::
<Scott> Alright.. I think i'm fine now
<Tabitha> ::opens her eyes and stares up at the ceiling before swing her legs around and taking them off the bed and getting to her feet and stomping downstairs for some water::
<Scott> ::tries to pull himself up::
<Sydney> ::Carefully unrolls her her sleeve and take off a wrapped bandage around her wrist, letting out a slight hiss.:: ((Shit, the scabs...))
<Rusty> ::ssits up and stands:: ((don't even have any other clothes to wear)) ::gets dressed and leaves his room::
<Sydney> ::Bolts to the kitchen.::
<Scott> ::braces himself against the wall as he makes it to the doorframe of his bathroom::
<Scott> Ugh.. I feel like shit.
<Tabitha> ::stomps into the kitchen with her hair a mess and blindly searches around for a glass in the cupboard:: ((Glass...water...must have water...))
<Jason> :::Reaches up to scratch his face, muttering something incoherent before resuming his snoring:::
<Warren> ::glances up at him:: You look like it too. 
<Rogue> ::rolls over, one arm flopping over the edge of the bed at an awkward angle::
<Alex> ::stops at the gate and looks at it:: ((How do I get in again? Knock?)) ::squints at the gate, trying to get it to come into focus::
<Rusty> ::spots movement farther down the hall:: ((whats going on down there?)) ::walks the other way::
<Scott> ::makes his way to his window, opens it and sticks his head out::
<Tabitha> ::finally grabs a hold of the glass and makes her way over to the tap waiting a few moments for water to be perfectly cold before filling her glass and downing the whole glass in a few gulps and refills her glass again and stumbles into the living room::
<Rusty> ((I need to get out of this place, get some air.. how the hell do I get out?)) ::turns down another hall::
<Tabitha> ::groans and slowly starts to make her way towards the phone::
<Sydney> ::Doesn't say a word to Tabitha, not to be rude or mean but rather to not draw attention to her reopened cut. Once Tabithia is gone she searches under the sink for the med kit.::
<Rogue> ::opens her eyes at the noise, squinting and rubbing her face:: ...'snot time to... 
<Rusty> ::tries to follow the sound of the phone::
<Tabitha> ::reaches the phone and picks it up and slowly brings it to her ear:: Hello, Xavier's whatever the hell this place is...
<Rogue> ::pushes herself to a sitting position:: ... ::stares at the clock until she can read the blurry numbers:: ...
<VoiceOnTheOtherEnd> ::speaks in a British Accent:: ..Excuse me?
<Rusty> ::stops just short of it, looking at Tabitha:: ((I don't know her name...)) ::looks down and walks around::
<Alex> ::squints and blinks then presses the button on the intercom on the gate.. ..then moves his finger over a half-inch and actually presses the button:: Damn.. moving button..
<Voice> Can I speak with Professor Xavier?
<Sydney> ::Pulls out bandages and starts wrapping them around her bleeding wrist, atempting to keep pessure on it though it's a struggle.:: ((The scab wasn't supposed to come off!!))
<Rogue> ...((tastes like Ah got lake-water in my mouth... bleah)) ::making a face, swings her feet out of bed and rubs her face again with both hands::
<Tabitha> ummmm, hold on a second....::places her hand over the phone:: Professor! You're wanted on the phone!
<Rogue> ((..the hell?)) ::stands up, yawning, and hunts for a pair of sweatpants in the pile of clothes at the foot of her bed::
<Jason> :::Snorts as he stirs, frowning at the buzzing::: Turn off that damned...whatever it is! :::Flops back down, going back to sleep:::
<Scott> ::winces, as he tries to make his way into the hall to get the phone.. or the door or whatever the hell else:: Damn that buzzer is loud
<Tabitha> ::waits a moment for the Professor to answer and then goes back to the phone:: I'm sorry, he's not home can I take a message?
<Rogue> ::pulls them on under her nightshirt and fights with a pair of gloves to get them right-side-out before donning them as well::
<Alex> ::presses the button again:: C`mon..
<Warren> Scott, maybe you should, stay-- ::notices he's in the hall already:: --here? ::gets up, tossing the mag to the bed and follows him:: You know, ::quietly:: they'll never let you hear the end of it if they find out.
<Rogue> ::shuffles out her door, looking both ways down the hall to see if someone is dealing with the buzzing:: ...
<Tabitha> Oh, could you hold on a minute please? ::places the phone down and heads for the door:: Hold on hold on
<Rusty> ::walks down the stairs and heads for the big doors::
<Scott> ::moves to pick up the phone::
<Alex> ::chuckles:: Ding dong.. ::presses the gate buzzer a few more times in rapid succession::
<Rogue> ...god that's annoying... ::shuffles down the hall to an intercom and stares at it, before poking a button at random:: Uh... what's goin' on?
<Phone> what sort of bloody operation is Xavier running?
<Jason> :::Grabs his pillow, putting it over his head::: 
<Sydney> ::Finally bandages her wrist, though the kitchen floor is a bit of a mess and her hands are bloody.::
<Warren> ::sweeps up the phone as scott reaches for a phantom duplicate of it, holds his hand over the receiver:: You, don't move. ::speaks into the phone:: Hello? Xavier Institute. 
<Scott> ::takes another drink of his water::
<Rusty> ::walks outside, in no particular direction::
<Alex> ..::stares at the gate:: ..Hello? ::tries the button again::
<Rogue> ::pushes another button on the intercom:: ...Hello? 
<Phone> ::sighs:: Professor Xavier?
<Warren> He's out of the state on business currently. May I ask who's calling?
<Rusty> ::walks towards the gate:: is someone there?
<Jason> :::Rolls out of his bed, growling, checking that his pajamas are secure, then grabs a heavy book::: It's 2 in the goddamned morning! Time for somebody to die!! :::Barges out of his room:::
<Braddock> James Braddock. I was wondering if he could help me with a situation.
<Alex> ::eyes the gate:: Is there somebody there? ::presses the button again:: ..sounds like there is.. hello? ::snickers:: Hello, hello, hello.. there anybody IN there?
<Sydney> ::Whimpers and pulls herself up from the floor.::
<Rogue> ... ::pushes the button that seems to have an effect, again:: Who the hell is it? It's two AM...
<Tabitha> ::Is at a total loss so just heads back towards the phone and notices Warren:: Oh, is that man mad that I left him on the phone?
<Rusty> ::stops just inside the gate:: I think we're closed
<Jason> :::Gets to the bottom of the stairs, then whips the front door open, marching towards the front gate:::
<Warren> Oh? Is it an emergency, Mr. Braddock? I could give you his cellular number.
<Alex> ::blinks:: Really? ..We could've stayed around for a bit longer, then.. oh yeah.. ::presses the button:: It's me.. Alex.. is that you, Rogue? ::leans against the gate:: You know.. I just want you to know that even though it seems like I hate you and I come off as a cold dick.. I really don't.. I think you're a great person..
<Sydney> ::She takes the dirty bandage from the floor and just wipes the blood on the floor with it, though she really doesn't pick it up, just makes the tile messier.::
<Braddock> My daughter has gone missing. Moira told me that Charles could send his X-Men to help, since he himself is so busy.
<Warren> ::gestures tab to be quiet:: 
<Rogue> ::stares at the intercom:: ...You left the mansion? ((Wonder if Scott knows..))
<Tabitha> ::makes a face at Warren and just flops down on the floor leaning against the wall with her glass of water in hand sipping on it::
<Warren> ::quirks his eyebrow, suspiciously:: Is that right? Could you give me an address and telephone number, sir? 
<Jason> :::Gets close to the front gate, growling::: Do you realize what time it is?!
<Sydney> ::She stares ruefully at the mess she left behind and slowly walks over to the trash can and tosses the bandages in.::
<Rusty> :;walks away from the gate:: ((definately a prison))
<Braddock> ::relays the information to Warren::
<Scott> ::mouths "What is it?"::
<Alex> ::presses the button again:: Yeah? I.. think I did, I mean.. I'm here outside talking.. and I seem to be a bit drunker than I was earlier, too..
<Rogue> ::listens to the background noise on Alex's end:: ...Y'know what, it sounds like Jason found ya, so Ah'm gonna let him deal with you. ((If Scott doesn't know, he is SO findin' out...))
<Rusty> <,he doesn't want out>>
<Rogue> ::stalks away from the intercom and heads downstairs for that drink of water, scowling:: ...
<Alex> ::looks at Jason, squinting:: ..Dude, Scott.. just.. calm down, man.. chill. you don' need to get all high and mighty and authority figure-ish with me..
<Sydney> ::She walks out of the kitchen, glancing to the side to the small crowd around the phone.:: ((Whatever...))
<Warren> ::scribbbles it down on a pad by the phone:: Uh huh, Malden, England. The X-Men will be there in ::guesstimate:: a couple hours, sir. Don't worry, they'll do all that they can to help you, Mr. Braddock.
<Scott> ::sways a little, braces against the wall::
<Jason> :::Arches an eyebrow, then gets closer::: ((Scott?)) Alex, are you drunk?
<Rogue> ::shuffles past Syd on her way, and stops dead in the doorway after flipping on the light:: ...
<Alex> ..Okay, yeah! ::throws up his arms:: I'm drunk.. sheesh.. I went out and had fun.. it's not the end of the world, don't flip out, bro
<Jason> Alex, first off, I'm not your brother. And second, what the hell are you doing out at 2 in the morning?!
<Rusty> ::leans against a tree and watches Jason and the other guy:: ((I thought that was Jason?))
<Warren> Goodbye, sir. ::hangs up::
<Tabitha> ::finishes off the rest of her water:: So who was that anyways?
<Sydney> ::Turns around, whincing at the light.::
<Alex> ::squints at Jason, closing one eye as if it'll make a difference:: You're not Scott? Then why do you look like Scott..?
<Rogue> ((There is blood. On the floor.)) .... ::muffled squeak::
<Scott> ::..groans:: We gotta go to Angland now?
<Jason> :::Groans::: Oh yeah, you're definently plastered. :::Walks over to the control panel one one side of the gate, hitting the button labeled "open"::: Get your sorry ass in here and start explaining yourself.
<Warren> ::tears the address from the pad and tucks it into his breast pocket, he's fully dressed in a polo and khakis, looks back and forth between scott and tab:: Umm. Yeah, why don't you go suit up while I wake everyone up. ((He is definitely not flying the jet.))
<Rusty> friend of yours? ::talks loud enough for Jason to hear::
<Tabitha> Suit up? Do you realize what time it is? What the hell are we suiting up for?
<Scott> Nah, I can do it.. I'm fine
<Warren> Actually, Tabitha-- ::interrupted, narrows his eyes slightly:: We're going on a field trip. 
<Jason> :::Smirks at Rusty::: Not when I get his brother on his case. 
<Alex> ::walks through the open gate, looking back at it:: Thanks, Rogue.. sorry I said that earlier, I realized I must be drunk.. `sorry
<Rusty> oh, I thought you were his brother
<Rogue> ::gingerly advances into the room, staring at the mess near the sink:: ...Sydney? ::confused look, back over her shoulder:: Did you cut yourself?
<Warren> Alright, ((this will not end well)) then I'll go see what's going on outside. 
<Sydney> It's... it's not what you think. Really... Not on purpose...
<Jason> Oh, not a chance. :::Points at Alex, then at the mansion::: Start walking. And don't for a second thing I'm hauling your sorry ass to the door.
<Rogue> ::gaze drops to the bandages:: ...
<Warren> ::looks back and forth between tab and scott again, then goes:: ((At least we know it's not sentinels.))
<Tabitha> ::uses the wall to brace herself and push herself to her feet:: What the hell do you mean field trip? ::tries to clear her head from the drowsiness:: 
<Rusty> ((such confusing people)) well.. have fun with that
<Scott> ::walks along the wall to make his way to the nearest com unit::
<Sydney> I cut my wrist in the garage a few days ago... I was getting a can of turniptine and it was near some of the sharper tools. I didn't tell anyone because who'd believe me...
<Warren> ::eyes the three walking towards the door as he walks down the path:: ((What are they doing out here at this hour?))
<Alex> ::eyes Jason then tries to walk straight to show that he's not as drunk as it appears, and promptly stumbles a bit and mumbles to himself and heads toward the mansion::
<Rogue> ... ::looks back at the blood, brow furrowed slightly:: ...Then let me see.
<Sydney> I bandaged up the cut before.. ::shakes her head to clear it.:: And I guess the scab ripped off with the bandage...
<Rusty> ::remains against the tree:: 
<Warren> ((Alex.)) ::glances past he and jason, at rusty, then back:: Alex? Has he been drinking?
<Jason> :::Follows Alex, still holding the book from earlier::: ((I haven't had enough damned sleep for this.))
<Sydney> ::Sighs and unrolls her sleeve and tentively undos the bandage. The cut down her wrist and arm is certinally too 'jagged' to be purposely cut.::
<Scott> ::hits the com, misses and buzzes the gate::
<Rogue> ::still frowning, looks from her wrist to her face and back:: ...Oh... you should still get that stitched or something.
<Warren> Is one of you going to answer my question? 
<Jason> :::Looks to Warren, giving him a cool look::: Found this one out at the fence. He's been calling me Scott and/or Rogue. I do believe he's seriously blitzed.
<Scott> Guys. Get suited up and meet me in the War Room ASAP
<Sydney> I guess so...
<Alex> ::walks up to Warren and puts his hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes:: Warren.. you're the closest thing my brother has to a friend.. I've gotta hand it to you.. ..but `sat all right.. you're a good guy.. ::hugs him:: I forgive you for being a bit flighty.. ::giggles at his own, unfitting pun::
<Rogue> ... ::not being terribly thirsty anymore, edges away from the kitchen:: You sure you're okay?
<Scott> ..::walks back towards hims room::
<Rusty> :;watches wing boy and the other two:: ((dude's got wings.. that'd be cool))
<Sydney> ::Nods meekly.::
<Warren> He's been drinking alright. 
<Sydney> ((Doesn't believe me... this one wasn't on purpose.))
<Warren> ::holds alex up, looks to jason:: Would you get him cleaned up? We've got a mission. 
<Jason> I will do that on one condition and one condition only...
<Warren> ::mildly annoyed:: And what's that? 
<Jason> That if this ever happens again, I get permission to beat him stupid for waking me at 2 in the friggin mornin'!
<Rogue> ..Ah have to... ::gestures vaguely behind herself:: you know why the phone rang?
<Alex> Ooh, we've got a mission?! ::stands up straight:: Alex Mendoza slash Summers, ready and waiting for orders, flight commander! ::snickers:: Nah, I'm just shitting you.. ::shifty look around, leans and whispers to Warren:: I had a little bit to drink..
<Warren> ::chuckles:: Permission granted. ::nods curtly and hands alex off to jason again, heading towards rusty::
<Jason> :::Nods, then grabs Alex's shoulder, pointing towards the front door::: Alright, let's see if you can get up stairs without stumbling.
<Tabitha> ::eyes Scott for the moment and then walks into the kitchen to refill her glass one more time:: 
<Sydney> ::Shakes her head.::
<Rogue> er... ::calls out to Tabitha:: Careful of the floor there..
<Rusty> ::stands up:: is there a problem?
<Tabitha> ::looks down at the mess of blood:: What the hell are you guys doing in here?!
<Rogue> ... ::side-glance at Syd:: She cut herself. Do you know where ta find a mop?
<Alex> Wait, what? ::looks at Jason:: Where're we going? We have a mission to go on, right away!
<Tabitha> ::eyes Rogue warily and goes to the tap:: I've been here for a fraction of the time you have been, what makes you think I know where the mop is?
<Scott> ::enters his room, sits on the bed and takes another drink of water::
<Warren> We're going to England. I don't know if Scott wants you along or not, but you should probably come inside to find out what's going on just the same.
<Rogue> ::shrugs:: Well, Ah don't know, Ah thought you might. You know what was goin' on with the phone?
<Jason> You're not going anywhere without at least gargling some mouthwash...:::Takes a sniff of Alex's clothes:::...and changing into something that doesn't make you smell like a French whorehouse.
<Rusty> England? What for? ::walks closer:: 
<Tabitha> Warren says we're going on a field trip
<Sydney> I'll get some paper towels...
<Rogue> ...Huh? ::vacant look at Tab:: It's 2 in the morning...
<Scott> ::walks to his armoire and changes into his uni::
<Alex> Hey, hey.. ::glares at Jason:: I won't have you badmouthing Missy like that.. just because she had bad taste in perfume and likes to get freaky when she's drunk, doesn't mean you can call her a whore!
<Warren> There's a girl who needs our help. 
<Jason> I don't need your life's story, buttmunch. Now, go get into something decent before I jam this book up your ass! :::Points to the door::: Move!
<Tabitha> That's what I said, he said to go get suited up 
<Rusty> ::perks up:; really? ok.. I'll go find Scott then... ::heads back to the mansion::
<Scott> ::puts his glasses back in their place and massages the bridge of his nose::
<Rogue> ::groans and turns to head back to her room:: 
<Sydney> ::Tip toes into the kitchen.:: Tell them I'll be there... just late.
<Tabitha> ::places the glass in the sink and heads up to stairs passing by Alex and Jason:: What the hell is wrong with him?
<Warren> ::nods to rusty, unbuttons his shirt, pulls it over his head, and spreads his wings:: ((I'd never forgive myself if he did something to embarrass himself.)) ::flies back towards the mansion around to scott's bedroom window:: 
<Rogue> ::stops at the head of the stairs, frowning slightly, then turns down the other hall and taps on Scott's door:: ((...wonder if him an' Warren really did drink..))
<Alex> ::looks to Tab, heading to the door:: Too many mixed drinks with straight liquor chasers..
<Scott> ::rubs the back of his neck and hesitates before grabbing his visor, hears the door knock:: Come in!
<Rusty> ::enters the mansion and heads for the rooms::
<Tabitha> Okay, why the hell are you all drunk and no one thought to invite me!
<Rogue> ::pushes the door open slightly, peering in:: ... ::grimaces slightly and just gives Scott a dirty look:: ((Stinks...)) 
<Scott> ::turns towards Rogue::
<Sydney> ::Cleans up the kitchen.::
<Rusty> ::darts up the stairs and nearly bolws over Rogue:: oh.. sorry.. is Scott in there?
<Jason> :::Looking tired and angry, clutching the book at ready::: Tab, now's not the time. And Alex, keep moving.
<Rogue> Your little brother snuck out last night, y'know. He probably looks almost as bad as-- ::flinches when Rusty runs into her, sidestepping quickly into Scott's room:: Watch it!
<Warren> ::flies in through the aforementioned portal, clutching his shirt in hand and reels in his wings, curious look at rogue:: 
<Rogue> ::adjusts her gloves, eyeing Rusty warily::
<Scott> ...::brows furrow and grabs his visor, putting it on:: He what?
<Warren> ::curious look at scott:: 
<Warren> He went clubbing. 
<Rusty> ::immediately stares at the floor:: I'm sorry... 
<Rogue> That was him buzzin' the damn intercom and wakin' everyone up. ::hands on her hips, glares at Warren too, for good measure::
<Sydney> ::Looks warily at the cleanish floor and beings to head to the stairs.::
<Sydney> ::Looks up, hearing voices other than the ghosts.:: ((Lovely...))
<Sydney> ::Sighs and starts to walk up them slowly.::
<Warren> ::responds to the glare with an admonition:: Why aren't you in uniform, Rogue?
<Scott> I told him..
<Rusty> Scott do you want me to stay here or go to England?
<Scott> Where is he now? ::rubs the back of his neck::
<Scott> ::looks to Rusty:: We can't leave you here alone, you're coming with us.
<Rogue> Because Ah just crawled outta bed because of HIS ::stabs a finger in Scott's direction:: brother was hangin' off the buzzer an' Ah only just heard Ah was supposed to be a minute ago.
<Warren> Jason's taking care of him.
<Sydney> ::Slowly walks past the four other students, her head bowed low.::
<Rogue> ...An' you're not in uniform either. ::crosses her arms::
<Alex> ::mumbles something about how a burbur carpet would look better in the hall and heads down it toward his room::
<Warren> ::guilty look at scott, turns back at rogue:: I was rounding up the stragglers. ::tosses his shirt at her::
<Jason> Scott! :::Looks towards the stairs::: Scott, I got something of yours down here. 
<Rusty> ok, thanks.. ::backs up, looks up at Rogue and smiles for a brief moment before walking off to his room:: ((that was very very stupid... now she thinks you're an idiot))
<Sydney> ::Goes in her room, starting to dress into her uniform quickly.::
<Rogue> ::chucks it at Scott and turns to go, scowling::
<Scott> ::groans:: I can't deal with him right now.. we have more important things to deal with. ::catches the shirt::
<Warren> I'm going to go change; you might want to make sure everyone knows about the mission.
<Warren> ::holds his hand out for his shirt::
<Rogue> ::stalks back to her room, running a hand through her hair::
<Scott> ::tosses him back his shirt...:: 
<Rusty> ::puts on a hat and walks back downstairs, and to the living room:: ((I wonder where they all meet at))
<Warren> ::catches it and heads towards his room::
<Sydney> ::Walks out of her room and heads to the hanger.::
<Alex> ::to no one in particular:: ..God, I need some coffee.. ..preferably with some whiskey in it to wake me up..
<Jason> No more booze for you for awhile, trust me. :::Points to the stairs::: Keep movin'.
<Tabitha> ::heads towards her room and changes into uniform the whole entire time grumbling about how much this place sucks and stomps out of her room:: 
<Rogue> ::shuts her door a bit more forcefully than necessary, then changes into her uni::
<Warren> ::changes into his uniform besides a half-shut door taking the extra minutes to fold his clothes up neatly next to the close from earlier which now smell of alcohol and lake water were anyone there to smell them, then heads downstairs to the *secret* elevator:: 
<Rusty> ::sits on the couch::
<Rogue> ::picks up her mask on the way back out, walking quickly downstairs::
<Scott> ::Exits his room and heads down to the elevator, pushes the mansion intercom across the elevator first:: +Com+ For those of you who did not get the message the first time, suit up and meet me in the war room 
<Warren> ::as the door opens before him, remembers something, calls out:: Russel? 
* Warren is now known as Angel
<Jason> :::Hits a wall com, looking miffed::: +com+ I'll be a bit late. I'm moving the prisoner to his room...before he collapses in a puddle of his own puke.
* Scott is now known as Cyclops
<Sydney> ::Moves to the war room, sighing.::
<Rusty> war room? ::looks around::
<Sydney> ::Just enters the said room, looking compeletly miserable.::
<Alex> ::heads toward his room and changes into his containment suit and uniform, only bothering to take out the piercing in his nipple.. pausing to drunkenly stimulate his nipples and snicker to himself before heading out of his room::
<Cyclops> ::annoyed tone of voice:: +com+ Please, just help him get cleaned and suited up.. He can sleep off his buzz on the flight
<Jason> :::Goes into his own room, slamming the door::: When this is over, I'm sleeping for a week. :::Grabs his uniform, changing out of his pajamas and into it:::
<Rogue> ::yawns, wandering down to the elevator and stepping on::
<Alex> ::heads out of his room then makes his way toward the kitchen:: ((I'm gonna need some coffee before the mission..))
<Angel> ::wanders into rusty:: Follow me. ::despite the mask, the wings protruding from his uniform should leave no wondering as to who he is::
<BoomBoom> ::tries to fix her uniform because for some stupid reason it refuses to fit right and heads towards the war room::
<Shadowfox> :::Leaves his room, going to the elevator, now fully awake::: ((Scott is getting an earful for this one.)) :::Waits in silence:::
<Rusty> dude, you look like a power ranger ::stands up and follows him::
<Rogue> ::absently plays with the straps on the side of her gloves... steps off at the bottom and shuffles down to the war room::
<Cyclops> ::enters the war room, having taken the elevator door, looking a little sluggish as he enters:: Hey Sydney.
<BoomBoom> ((What the hell is wrong with this thing?!)) ::continues to struggle with the uniform as she walks into the room:: These things don't shrink do they?
<Cyclops> ::tales a seat and waits for the others::
<Angel> Russel, would you prefer we take you back to that burnt out husk of a building and leave you for another angry mob, or maybe the sentinels, to find?
<Alex> ::walks into the kitchen, barely noticing if anything's wrong, glances around for a cup, then grabs the pot of coffee and heads downstairs::
<Rogue> ::flops down in a chair in the war room::
<Shadowfox> :::Walks into the war room, popping his knuckles one by one::: Gettin' to where a man can't get a decent night's sleep anymore.
<Rusty> I don't care anymore 
<Angel> ::heads towards the *secret* elevator again, holds out his hand for rusty to enter first, then follows him in and presses the button:: That was a joke. You won't get very far with that defeatist attitude. 
<Rusty> so I've been told :;looks at the buttons:: 
<Cyclops> ..Sydney?
<Rogue> ::side-glance at Sydney, looking a little conflicted::
<Persephone> ::Looks up, startled for a moment.:: Oh... hi.
<Alex> ::walks to the "secret" elevator that everyone seems to know about, and presses the button::
<Angel> ::nods to everyone as he steps off the elevator into the war room and beelines towards the computer::
<Cyclops> Are you alright?
<Rusty> ::stops a few steps off the elevator:: ...what -is- this place?
<Angel> ::glances up, but doesn't look over his shoulder:: A school.
<Shadowfox> :::Smirking at Rusty::: The inner sanctum. Here, we plot our fiendish takeover of the world. 
<Cyclops> ::glances at Warren:: You gonna do this brief since you took the call?
<Rusty> a school? ... ::looks at the others:: yeah.. ok.. ::looks over all the screens and buttons:: a school...
<Persephone> ::Looks up, again, then nods slightly.::
<Angel> ::searches the database for last name, braddock, nodding absently::
<Alex> ::walks into the elevator, drinking the luke warm coffee straight from the pot::
<Rogue> ::frowns slightly, then slumps forward, resting her chin in her hands and muffling another yawn::
<BoomBoom> ::finally gives up on her uniform:: I don't suppose I can just go in my normal clothes...
<Rogue> ::mumbles:: Ah've been tryin' to get 'em to let me do that forever. Don't hold your breath.
<Rusty> do I get a uniform? :;stands uneasily at the back of the room::
<BoomBoom> Yeah, I'm probably going to have to hold my breath in this thing
<Cyclops> We have some spares in the blackbird
<Alex> ::walks out of the war room, slipping on his mask and takes a drink from the coffee pot::
<Angel> Hmm. ::skims through the information quickly:: 
<Rusty> ::looks at Rogue's outfit when she speaks:: ((this is cool))
<Shadowfox> :::Motions to the empty seat next to him::: Here Rust, have a seat...that's an order.
<Rogue> ::head still in her arms:: ...y'all gonna tell us what's this about, or do we get to guess?
<Rusty> um.. yes sir.. ::takes the seat::
<Angel> Alright, folks, I know it's early, but you can nap on the flight over. We're going to England. 
<Cyclops> ::Stares at Havok::
<Shadowfox> England? At this time of year? :::Shivers::: I'm liable to catch a cold. 'specially in this get up.
<Persephone> England...? ::Faint echos.::
<Rusty> ::whispers to ShadowFox:: who's that? ::gestures towards BoomBoom::
<Angel> The phone call some of you are aware of was from one Dr. James Braddock, he's a physicist, and an acquaitance of Dr. Moira MacTaggart, who some of you may be familiar with, she's one the world's leading mutant research physicians and a friend of the professor's. 
<BoomBoom> ::looks absolutely miserable from lack of sleep and lack of a fitting uniform:: This is the guy I nearly hung up on?
<Rogue> ::head still on the table:: ...
<Angel> This is the guy you nearly hung up on, yes.
<Angel> Dr. Braddock's daughter, a mutant, has been abducted. That's all he said over the phone, but I have his address here, so we'll find out more when we get there.
<Shadowfox> :::Looks to where Rusty's pointing, then smirks::: That's Tabitha, better known as BoomBoom. Someone not to be taken lightly.
<Persephone> Why didn't you? ::Glances to Tabithia.::
<Rogue> ::raises her head and frowns a little blearily:: ((Abducted?))
<BoomBoom> :;glances over at Syd:: Hang up on him? Because I wasn't quite that tired
<Rusty> ::whispers:: why do you seem to depressed when you're surrounded by so many beautiful girls?
<Havok> ::looks at Cyke:: ((Sheesh.. maybe I shouldn't drink this coffee so I can handle Scott drunk..))
<Cyclops> ::turns his head back to look at warren::
<Angel> Alright. Then, if there are no questions?--everyone head to the hangar. 
<Shadowfox> :::Chuckles lightly::: If you haven't noticed, Rust, I'm the "old man" here. That'd be cradle robbing.
<Cyclops> ::stands up.. moves towards warren:: Been taking notes have we?
<Rogue> ::grumbling, slips her mask into place and secures it::
<Rusty> oh, I thought you were 19 or something.. ::looks around at the masked people:: 
<BoomBoom> ::eyes Warren as she stands up:: I thought you said that we were going on a field trip
<Shadowfox> :::Shakes his head as he stands::: I am the ripe old age of 22. :::Looks towards the others, smirking::: Bunch of youngin's.
<Angel> This is a field trip, Boom Boom. It will be quite the educational excursion.
<Havok> ::stands up, taking a nice long swig of coffee.. chugging all of it, actually, before setting the empty pot on the table in the war room, then heads after everyone::
<BoomBoom> If I don't meet my fill of cute english boys I'm going to be very angry with you
<Cyclops> ::walks behind Havok, brings his hands down on his shoulders:: Don't think that you're getting out of this one just because we have a mission, kiddo.
<Angel> Dr. Braddock has two sons, Boom Boom. Don't worry so much, it gives you age lines.
<Rogue> ::stands up wearily, stretching and sighing:: Don't they have anyone in England to deal with this stuff?
<Rusty> what will I be doing?
<BoomBoom> ::flashes a bright but not quite real smile at Angel:: Oh, does it look like I'm worried? I perfectly fine, just as long as you let me sleep on this flight
<Angel> ::strange look at rogue:: What would they call themselves? X-Men... East?
<Shadowfox> :::Looks to Cy, smirking::: Hey "fearless leader," should I keep the new kid close by and show him the ropes?
<Rogue> Ah don't care, as long as they ain't callin' US at two in the morning.
<Rusty> they could be called knights of the round table
<Cyclops> ::squeezes hard and lets go:: Try not to get him killed..
<Rogue> ::shoots another dark look at the back of Cyclops' head:: ((Sure, pick on your brother for doin' the same damn stupid thing you are...))
<Havok> ::grimaces, looking at Scott:: Why's your breath smell like that?
<Shadowfox> :::Gives Rusty a mock stern look::: You hear that? You do not have permission to die under my detail. You got that, maggot?
<Rusty> ::rubs the back of his neck:: I guess?
<Cyclops> what?
<Shadowfox> :::Tries to keep from laughing, then fails::: No no, seriously, I'm joking. I wouldn't let you get hurt...would ruin my reputation. Plus, I'd probably get even more angsty.
<Rogue> ::glances back at Angel, speaking in a low tone:: ...He ain't gonna try and fly the jet like that, is he?
<Havok> ..::shakes his head:: You brush your teeth before going on missions? ..I'm hoping you're not that.. you, bro, to do that, and it's the other reason.. ::knowing smirk::
<Rusty> oh.. heh.. well, I'll try not to inconvenience you then... 
<Cyclops> ...Go sit down. ::enters the blackbird::
<Angel> ::replies just as lowly:: He'll be fine, Rogue. :;continues, more lowly:: It'll be mostly autopilot, and Ethan will be copiloting, and should anything really go wrong, I can take over in a pinch.
<Rogue> ...Ah still don't like it... ::mutters, and follows along to the hangar::
<Rusty> what's her story? ::motions towards Rogue::
<Angel> ::more normal tone:: Just have a little faith, Rogue.
<Havok> ::grins to himself then goes and takes a seat:: ((..damnit, this flight's going to suck ass..))
<Shadowfox> :::Looks towards Rogue, now looking slightly puzzled::: Rogue? I really don't know here story. All I know is it'd be bad if she touched you without those gloves.
<Rusty> bad? why?
<Shadowfox> :::Looks a bit uncomfortable::: Well, I'm not entirely sure how to explain it. All I know is if she touches you, skin to skin, she'll absorb your powers.
<Rusty> really? that doesn't sound bad... ::looks at the jet:: whoa...
<Rogue> ::chilly sort of glance at Rusty and Shadowfox as she passes to board the plane... looks like she overheard them:: 
<Cyclops> ::sits in the pilot seat..:: Everyone strap in. 
<Shadowfox> :::Climbs aboard the plane, now looking even more uncomfortable::: Rust, let's be totally honest. I doubt the others here want me talking 'bout them behind their backs.
<BoomBoom> ::straps herself into her seat and curls up as best she can intending to take full advantage of the time to sleep::
<Rogue> ::takes a seat near the front, just behind the cockpit, and straps in::
<Angel> ::gmta, takes the seat next to rogue::
<Rusty> ::sits down and straps in:: no one's formally told me who is who and who can do what, I thought that would be important to know.. ::looks down at the floor:: sorry
<Rogue> ::looks out the window, then glances back toward Rusty:: ..Just don't touch me. That's all ya really need to remember.
<Cyclops> ::starts take-off procedures, looks over at the empty co-pilots chair, mind wanders to Jean a little::
<Shadowfox> :::Strips into a seat, then slaps a hand over his head face::: (( sandpaper...))
<Rusty> :;continues to stare at the floor:: ((she does think I'm an idiot, I just know it)) 
<Angel> ::looks over at rogue opens his mouth:: Uh-- ::stops, pensive look::
<Rogue> ::raises a brow::
<Cyclops> ::starts the VTOL engines and moves down the runway..::
<Shadowfox> :::Pulls his hand away, giving Rogue a sorry look::: Don't take it out on the kid. I'm the one who couldn't keep his mouth shut.
<Rogue> ::scowls slightly at her hands in her lap::
<Cyclops> ::as soon as they're clear, puts coordinates into the computer and sets the auto-pilot to take them to Braddock Manor::
<Havok> ::leans against the window of the plane, yawning and falls asleep::
<Rogue> ::looks back at Warren:: ..What?
<Angel> Nothing. ::mouths the word "later":: 
<Rusty> ::looks up:: I feel sick...
<Rogue> ::mutters under her breath, then pulls her mask off and rubs her face:: damn thing itches...
<Shadowfox> :::Gives Rusty a freaked look::: There's a air sickness bag 'round here least, I think so.
<Rusty> I think i can manage... 
<Angel> We haven't even hit Mach One yet, Russel. ::chuckles::
<Rogue> ::somewhat confused look at Warren before she looks back out the window::
<Cyclops> ::unbuckles himself and takes a seat across from Rogue and Angel, leans the chair back a little, looking really tired, yawns::
<Rusty> I've never been in anything like this before.. well, there was that roller coaster.. but.. ::leans back:: ((I've never been to England before, maybe this isn't so bad))
<Shadowfox> If you don't think 'bout it, isn't as bad. :::Leans back in his seat, smirking::: Kinda like riding in a moving car.
<Rogue> ..what part of England we headed to? ::quietly::
<Angel> ::smirks:: The English part.
<Rusty> ((i can't quite place that accent...)) what else do I need to know?
<Shadowfox> :::Looks to Cy, smirking::: Were we supposed to bring out passports or anything?
<Rogue> Well, that clarified that. 
<Angel> Malden is in Surrey, which is southeast England.
<Cyclops> ::opens his eyes:: huh?
<Rusty> I need a passport? uh oh.. ::looks at SF::
<Rogue> Oh... Malden.. Haven't been there...
<Shadowfox> Do we need proof that we're from the good ol' US of A? Or are we just going to sneak into the country?
<Angel> Braddock Manner itself is rather remote, so we'll be able to land there undetected. Once we're inside the country, it won't matter unless you plan to encounter the authorities, Shadowfox.
<Cyclops> ...I got that taken care of... ::yawns::
<Shadowfox> :::Shakes his head repeatedly::: No way, no how! I ain't gettin' hauled away like some sorta criminal...that's Alex's job.
<Rusty> ((I have no idea what they're talking about)) ::looks out the window:: how long is this trip?
<Rogue> ::absently plays with the glove-strap again::
<Angel> ::blinks, turning back to rogue:: Wait--you've been to London?
<Rusty> ((guess its a long trip and they don't know.. this is certainly very boring, I should have brought a book)) ::leans back again and stares absently at the ceiling::
<Rogue> ::shrugs:: Coupla times. ::lowers her voice a little:: Momma likes.. liked to travel, back before she fell in with... ::trails off:: 
<Angel> A couple hours, Russel.
<Shadowfox> :::Passed out again, head cocked awkwardly, snoring:::
<Rusty> I've read about england, they had some fascnating ships.
<Angel> Fell in with who? 
<Rogue> ::shifts in her seat slightly, with a slightly guilty expression, and mouths 'magneto'::
<Rusty> ((no one cares about ships, just listen.. maybe you'll learn something))
<Angel> ::quietly:: She's a mutant then? ::thinks about it for second:: ... ::stares::
<Rusty> ::leans forward trying to listen::
<Rogue> .. ::looks out the window:: ((..Guess they didn't know as much as Ah thought..))
<Angel> ::normal tone:: Who's Irene? 
<Cyclops> ::opens his eyes, tilts his head towards Rogue and Angel::
<Rogue> 'Rene? Momma's g... friend.
<Shadowfox> :::Grinning goofly in his sleep::: Yeah, that's how I like it... :::Starts snoring again:::
<Rogue> ... ::gaze creeps back towards Shadowfox, and her brow furrows::
<Rusty> ::reaches over and elbows SF::
<Shadowfox> :::Grunts, then opens his eyes::: Are we *yawn* there yet?
<Angel> ::quirks his brow at the "guh", hardly noticeable under the mask:: Oh. I thought she was your sister.
<Rogue> ::snorts:: Sister? No... Ah don't have any brothers or sisters... 'Rene's a mutant too... ::lower voice:: She sees stuff... like futures and possibilities and that kinda thing.. 
<Cyclops> ((...the future?))
<Rusty> that sounds cool
<Rogue> ...she sorta helped Petey and Ah get away without gettin' caught... ::frowns slightly:: ((Ah wish he'd let me know he's okay... something...))
<Shadowfox> :::Looks to Rusty, bleary eyed::: If we're not there, why'd you wake me?
<Angel> So, does she work for Magneto too? A power like that would be a great asset to ((me)) the professor's cause. ... I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious. 
<Rusty> you said "that's how I like it"... and you snore
<Shadowfox> :::Looks confused, then slightly afraid::: I didn't say anyone's name, did I?
<Rogue> She's... just there for Momma, Ah think.
<Rusty> ::shrugs:: 
<Shadowfox> Oh...good. Well, later. :::Closes his eyes, then tries to get comfortable again:::
<Rusty> ::scoots up to the edge of the seat to get a better view of the two talking::
<Rogue> ((Ah wonder what she told Momma about me leavin'...)) ::looks a bit sad:: 
<Angel> ::pensive look:: ... What about your father?
<Rogue> ::lips thin:: ...Momma isn't really my... Ah don't have...
<Rogue> ::knots her fingers together nervously::
<Cyclops> ::listens:
<Cyclops> Rogue don't worry about it.
<Angel> ((Adopted then.)) ::recalls rogue's vehement insistance that they not drink:: ...
<Rogue> ... ::looks down at her hands, speaks softly but quickly:: if y'all really.. ::glance flicks from Warren to Scott:: ah'll... ah'll tell you but not here...
<Angel> ::nods:: 
<Cyclops> ::glances over at Rusty:: How are you doing, Rusty?
<Angel> Russel, why don't you tell us about yourself?
<Rogue> ::leans her head against the window slightly:: ..
<Angel> ::glances at scott as their statements come out almost simultaneously:: That was weird. 
<Cyclops> ::shrugs:: And so are we.
<Rogue> ((He fall asleep?)) ::tries to crane her her head around and look back::
<Rogue> ::looks back to Warren:: What were you gonna say earlier?
<Angel> ::looks around cautiously:: I was going to ask--Why were so adamant that we not do any drinking?
<Rogue> .. ::frowns at her hands again:: ah just don't like what it does to people, okay?
<Angel> Fair enough. ::quietly:: You brought it up. ::smirks smugly::
<Rogue> ::leans against the wall/window, looking out:: ...