A Brief Summary of The Life of Giuseppe Peano


Giuseppe Peano was born August 27, 1858 in Cuneo, Italy. At about age 12, Peano's uncle saw how bright his nephew was and brought young Giuseppe back with him to where he practiced law, a city named Turin. Here Giuseppe was enrolled in secondary school and prepared for University.

Giuseppe entered the University of Turin in 1876 where he was taught by some of the great mathematicians of the time, like D'Orvidio, Angelo Genocchi, and Faa di Bruno. In 1880 Peano graduated with as a doctor of mathematics.

Peano did not leave the University, in fact he joined the staff the same year he graduated. He became an assistant to one of his former professors D'Orvidio. During his tenure, he wrote some papers which showed the errors in the work of others. After writing 3 of his papers he became the assistant of Genocchi, publishing his lectures in a book to Genocchi's dismay. Giuseppe eventually took over Genocchi's classes when he became too ill to teach any longer...

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